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ZCOM好看专为杂志读者量身打造,通过平板电脑给您带来更舒适的阅读体验,更完美支持微博分享,让阅读不再孤单。 用ZCOM好看,您可以免费阅读到数百种品牌杂志,近百家知名网站,还有最新鲜热辣的微博段子。关联微博后,还能随时和好友粉丝分享您阅读的喜怒哀乐。 这里有最好看的杂志,最好看的文章,最好看的图片...
同同是一款基于地理位置的专为GAY和LES开发的移动社交工具。致力为同志圈打造一个“纯净、健康、安全”的交友平台。帮助更多的朋友通过正规、合法、畅通、安全的渠道找到自己知心的朋友、心仪的伴侣。 你可以通过同同认识周围任意范围内的陌生人,查看对方的个人信息和位置,免费发送短信、语音、照片以及精准的地理...
“同同”是由同志社区出品的一款GAY和LES都能用的同性社交软件。 致力打造一个“纯净、健康、安全”的交友平台。帮助更多的朋友通过正规、合法、畅通、安全的渠道找到自己知心的朋友、心仪的伴侣。 “同同”倡导“选择固定伴侣、学习健康知识、远离疾病传播、传递同志正能量、遵纪守法、不放纵不绝望、团结互助”的...
Video Analysis for Swimming - Anyone Anywhere AnytimeRECORD COMPARE IMPROVE your Swimming technique Technique is the key to swimming success and enjoy...
Legacy Toyota in Florida has a strong and committed sales staff with many years of experience satisfying our customers' needs. Feel free to browse our...
Calculate Swim FINA Points based on time, or the time needed to achieve a target point. You can change the reference year.See current World Records an...
This is the official mobile app for Legacy Tattoos (formerly Prick Tattoos) in San Antonio, TX. With our new app you may learn more about us. In addit...
Calculate your swimming points using FINA Point Scoring.FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation) defines the world's standard for comparing result...
Legacy Mutual Mortgage offers mortgage customers a unique way of communicating and interfacing with their realtor and loan officer. The app can easily...
Welcome to Swiiish, the first social network for ballers like you.Swiiish is build for every basketball player to better connect with their teammates....