

** The old style board Game. You can enjoy KidBrainBoard with your friends to remember your long long time of your kid day.!!!

- Play alone ...

Ucan EX

Ucan Ex 是新生代的遊戲和娛樂互動平台,由香港「文化傳信集團」投資及開發。此處集遊戲中心及手機娛樂於一身, 可以下載多款由本集團推出的遊戲程式,它們全都是響噹噹的名字: 包括以高收視綜藝娛樂節目「超級無敵獎門人終極篇」和人氣電視劇「公主嫁到」為設計藍本的遊戲。此程式結集的娛樂內容非常豐富, 老...


"科苑生活"是由中国科学院大学电子学院本部的一个可爱的团队开发的校园生活APP。目前主要功能为旧物、活动信息的发布和展示。旧物信息 --刚来雁栖湖校区,发现诸多不便?图新鲜买了些小玩意发现自己不再能用到?旧物信息板块给你一个发现和展示宝贝的好渠道~活动信息 --总是错过想听的讲座?快到期末了发现还有...

Tip Time

Tip%Time is a tip calculator for your Apple Watch and iPhone. Simply enter in the cost and tip percentage to determine the tip amount and total cost. ...

Kidder IQ

This application is designed to develop and enhance I.Q. The best Tic Tac Toe app for your iPhone or iPod Touch.

You no longer need a pencil and pape...


Tip'um is a fully functional tip calculator that works as intended and LOOKS GREAT TOO!FEATURES:-15%, 18%, and 20% Quick Tip Buttons- Feeling Generous...