艺考帮-美术艺考生素描、色彩、速写点评,高考专业、画室资讯、绘画教程的综合平台 简介: 艺考帮,为艺者而生——国内首款美术生互动交流平台功能介绍 艺考帮是集美术学习与画友交流为一体的互动平台,是美术艺考生及美术爱好者最理想的聚集地。平台上驻扎有职业画家、高校老师(参加过往届美术高考阅卷)、画室老师、...
艺考帮-美术艺考生素描、色彩、速写点评,高考专业、画室资讯、绘画教程的综合平台 简介: 艺考帮,为艺者而生——国内首款美术生互动交流平台功能介绍 艺考帮是集美术学习与画友交流为一体的互动平台,是美术艺考生及美术爱好者最理想的聚集地。平台上驻扎有职业画家、高校老师(参加过往届美术高考阅卷)、画室老师、...
【艺考帮--你身边的美术老师】 每一幅作品都有美术老师专业点评,指点迷津; 每一幅作品都有阅卷老师合理打分,预卜成绩; 每一天推送一篇精编绘画教程知识,学以致用; 〖点评打分〗——由高校美术专业老师点评、打分,专业老师随叫随到; 〖追问老师〗——有疑问可以追问老师,深入交流; 〖全新设计〗——新的启...
+++ Game to train your brain in multiplication +++* The training the brain to answer quickly in the calculation* Calculation multiplication all* The c...
+++ Game to train your brain in the division +++* The training the brain to answer quickly in the calculation* Calculation divide all* The challenge i...
+++ App to compete the roll force +++- roll game for 15 seconds- it is possible to compete for roll force with friends- one person even measurably the...
+++ Game spree drink earnestly curry +++* Let's drink and gulp macro curry* The burr drink to the limit and decide the combo to a tap in a timely ...
+++ Game to train your brain in addition +++* The training the brain to answer quickly in the calculation* Calculation adds all* The challenge in the ...
+++ Randomly-generated dungeon adventure game +++* Can adventure in a different map each time, randomly-generated dungeons* To deep equipped efficient...
+++ Game walk a split girl balloons to match the color +++- Relieve stress by dividing the balloon- It becomes increasingly play long heart to play an...