
名车志 杂志

《名车志》正式推出Android版本电子杂志!它基于但不局限于传统杂志内容, 是纸媒杂志的拓展和延伸, 丰富的多媒体手段, 将带给读者另类新奇的视觉体验!《名车志》Android版将会每月定期发布, 让读者充分体验到传统阅读习惯之外的视觉享受.法国桦榭菲力柏契集团与上海译文出版社于1995年9月起合...

Nurses Aid

******MANAGE NURSE'S ROUTINES WITH FINGERTIPS!****** 1) List down all your random duties and doctor's orders! 2) Set reminder for each tasks i...

Mini Nurse

This application is made for student nurses and for those who are just curious about some of the education nurses need to know![Please try the LITE ve...

Nurse Up

Questa è la prima applicazione di riferimento per gli infermieri, utile anche per gli studenti delle professioni sanitarie in tutto il mondo.Esso cont...


《中华医学会系列杂志》是中华医学会杂志社旗下刊物,中华医学会杂志为目前国内最大且最具影响力的医学专业杂志社,是以编辑出版中华医学会主办的各类医学期刊为主要任务的全国性医学期刊出版机构,中华医学会主办的 医学期刊已达128种,已形成了国内医药卫生界数量最多、影响最大、权威性最强的医学期刊系列。 《中华...