劉德華andy lau一生愛


漢語聖經協會 - 2011聖誕節小冊子《全是因為愛》對象:年青人、成年人、慕道者 聖誕節年復一年地來去,你找到聖誕節的真義了嗎?降世為人的耶穌曾經歷世間種種,祂深知我們的感受,祂為我們的傷痕流淚,為我們的笑顏歡欣。耶穌是愛的化身,祂因愛你而來到世界,也因愛你被釘上十字架……這全是因為愛!今年聖誕節,...

Grow Away

The monsters have been eating way too much junk food, and now they’re hungry for something healthy – you! Take your team of valiant veggies into battl...

Ask Away

Ever need a little help deciding what to do, or what you should do? Remember those black ball, fortune questioning toys from way back when: you ask it...

Black Away

The alligator is taking a shower but he needs soap. Make your plan, move the soap block through the field and bring it to the alligator. Be careful, i...

Type Away

Type Away is all about typing the alphabet as fast as you can. You are timed to see how quickly you can type from A to Z.Amaze your friends with your ...


Ma3Route is a mobile/web/SMS platform that crowd-sources for transport data and provides users with information on traffic, matatu directions and driv...

微乐游戏助手 for 天天酷跑
