

“推背圖”是中國預言中最為著名的奇書之一,相傳是我國唐朝太宗皇帝(李世民)命兩位當時著名的天相家李淳風和袁天罡所作,以推算大唐國運。由於李淳風推算的上了癮,一發不可收,竟推算到唐以後中國2000多年的命運,直到袁天罡推他的背,說道:“天機不可再瀉, 還是回去休息吧!”,既是第60像所述,所以推背圖因...

Handy Dave

Brighten up your home with new decoration, blinds, new kitchen worktops and more! Handy Dave are here to help you and your home.Situated in Suffolk, o...




Rimani sempre aggiornato sulle nuove uscite in DVD e Blue-Ray con la nuova App di Hangar, oggi disponibile su IPhone, IPod e IPad.Con i nuovi strument...

Hangover Cure

Hangover Heaven is a medical clinic dedicated to curing hangovers, whether it be from alcohol, stress, or life in general. All of us lead busy, fast p...

Hanley LED

The app that serves as your resource for all things Hanley LED.From the start, Hanley LED has set itself apart from the competition. It features the i...