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防毒,防駭,安全,惡意軟體,惡意程式,antivirus,antivirus,security,Malware,隱私,資料安全 「行動防毒」是台灣大哥大獨家與網秦科技網秦合作推出之行動裝置防毒軟體,提供一個整體行動安全解決方案,保護您的Android行動裝置免受病毒、惡意軟體和間諜軟體危害,為個人資...



Memory Bee

Memory Bee is a game to practice your memory on iPhone/iPod Touch. You help lost bees get back to their original locations by exercising your memory, ...

Warring States

★★★★★ You will get 80 Gems by logging in with this app for the first time!!! This is our popular MMO RPG-Strategy game. You are a chieftain of a small...