

微海大是由海南大学学生自己开发制作的服务海大学子的手机软件。 新生不来海大,就能全面了解海南大学;老生不出门,外卖订餐,租房,酒店,旅行,新闻,兼职全搞定,什么丢了东西,什么二手出售那都不是事儿,关键还有海大的美女帅哥看,还有一个活生生的小商场邀你一起来开店卖东西,怎么样,还不来下载么!! 微海大的...

School Mate

[school mate]*Only SANTIAGO HIGH SCHOOL is already registed* I come from a high school of almost four thousand students, over nine hundred of whom are...

Auto Wifi

Isn’t it bothering you to check the Wifi status on your way?Now, you don’t need to worry about that~Auto Wifi will solve that problem for you.Features...