本app包含73張台灣各地玩樂地圖! 超級精華~全台灣各地景點地圖!結合台北高雄捷運+台鐵+高鐵+高速公路+快速道路+基隆+桃園+台中+新竹四大都市之玩樂地圖+台灣特有14寶物地圖+印象地圖+台灣季節大型活動地圖.所有地圖都可離線使用,在無網路時也可查看地圖!更強的是,在你打開裝置的gps功能與in...
本app包含73張台灣各地玩樂地圖! 超級精華~全台灣各地景點地圖!結合台北高雄捷運+台鐵+高鐵+高速公路+快速道路+基隆+桃園+台中+新竹四大都市之玩樂地圖+台灣特有14寶物地圖+印象地圖+台灣季節大型活動地圖.所有地圖都可離線使用,在無網路時也可查看地圖!更強的是,在你打開裝置的gps功能與in...
美食地圖是結合GOOGLE街景與PLACE API服務的APP,LBS 就是 Location Based Services 的縮寫,中文有人是翻成「適地性服務」,也有人直接翻成「以位置為基礎的服務」Google Place API是「一種會傳回「地點」相關資訊的服務,在此 API 中是使用 HTT...
Let certain callers ring through even with your phone in silent mode. Add as many numbers as you want to the whitelist and they'll ring regardless...
Photo Sketch is a simple, funny app that lets you convert your photos into sketches or cartoon avatars by applying up to 12 different image effects fi...
Do you know how loud is too loud? Do you know NIHL(Noise induced hearing loss)? What's the decibel exposure time guidelines? Decibel Meter Pro will te...
Do you know how loud is too loud? Do you know NIHL(Noise induced hearing loss)?What's the decibel exposure time guidelines?Decibel Meter Pro will tell...
*** 适用年龄:6个月 – 3岁 *** 《宝宝识字卡》是特别为学习粤语以及英语的婴幼儿而设,通过实物图片,让宝宝更早学会识别生活中的事物。并且能让宝宝在识物中,轻松掌握阅读常用字,早早体验自己阅读的快乐。《宝宝识字卡》除了粤语外,还提供对应的普通话以及英语发音,让宝宝体验学习语言更全面。17个大...
To circle his childhood unfinished piano dream Working hours, home tutor to teach me classical piano Of course, the most difficult for beginners is to...
Tapping the screen to pop as many candies as you can. Avoid the bombs or it's game over. Gear up for this exciting and addictive game and don't forget...