5倍变焦相机(PRO Zoom Camera 5X)是一款功能很全的数码相机软件,可以设置白平衡、滤镜、延时等,同时还可以对拍好的照片进行编辑处理。特性:- 5倍变焦,5种白平衡,8种滤镜- 支持涂鸦- 53种剪贴画- 21种字体-23种超炫特效- 可调节亮度及对比度- 支持定时拍摄- flash装...
5倍变焦相机(PRO Zoom Camera 5X)是一款功能很全的数码相机软件,可以设置白平衡、滤镜、延时等,同时还可以对拍好的照片进行编辑处理。特性:- 5倍变焦,5种白平衡,8种滤镜- 支持涂鸦- 53种剪贴画- 21种字体-23种超炫特效- 可调节亮度及对比度- 支持定时拍摄- flash装...
5倍变焦相机PRO Zoom Camera 5X 是一款功能很全的数码相机软件,可以设置白平衡、滤镜、延时等,同时还可以对拍好的照片进行编辑处理。 特性: 1、5倍变焦,5种白平衡,8种滤镜 2、画画,乱涂 3、3种剪贴画 4、1种字体 5、3种疯狂特效 6、亮度/对比度 7、定时拍照 8、闪光灯控...
INSPIRATIONAL! BREATHTAKING! AROUSING! MEMORABLE! EXTREME! This application will refresh your live with plenty of great new ideas about love and sex. ...
Start by calculating three “L” shaped connected numbers whose sum equals the target number. Eliminate all correct equations until you uncover the hidd...
Dedicated to Novak Djokovic - the number-1 ranked tennis player on the planet - NovaKnight is an addictively entertaining game of strategy and logic. ...
Score points by calculating two adjacent numbers on the scrolling grid so their value equals a sum in the fixed row of numbers below the grid. After y...
Get all mathematical up in your house with MadMath4Kids, a fun and educational math game that teaches your child basic arithmetic. Find and calculate ...
Jungle Math is a visually stunning math game designed to entertain and stimulate your brain.The object is to score points by calculating two numbers w...
The Simple Flashlight. Just click the screen to make the screen black and conserve power! When you make the screen black the backlight goes to its sma...