

靜宜大學是一所天主教大學,秉持「進德、修業」之校訓,以「專業領航、全人陶成」為教育目標,以學生學習為主體,提供學生豐富、開闊的知識領域、學習環境與完善的行政服務系統,更注重學生品格與愛德之陶冶,培養學生成為「有社會責任感的知識份子」。 利用各類行動裝置使用行動校園服務,可不受時間及地點限制,輕鬆獲得...

Indian Room

When we first opened the doors of Indian Room and Indian Moment 9 years ago, we had a vision...a vision to be different! To highlight not only the "be...


Whose turn is it to pay?By logging all purchases within a group, friends can easily track who bought the last coffee and who should buy the next bagel...