This package supports Android 4.X (ARM and Intel Android), but due to limitations with the Android VPN Framework, some AnyConnect features are not ava...
This package supports Android 4.X (ARM and Intel Android), but due to limitations with the Android VPN Framework, some AnyConnect features are not ava...
Rhifyn 3 “DIANC O FFAU BLEDDYN” yw’r drydydd rhifyn yn y gyfres. Mae Seren ag Ishmael yn darganfod pwy sy’n gyfrifol am ledaenu’r feirws. Ond oes modd...
Y fideos diweddaraf, newyddion, lluniau, cystadlaethau a llawer mwy gydag Ap Tag.Gwylia gynnwys Tag drwy wylio fideos yr wythnos hon .Dalia i fyny â h...
Llawer o hwyl wrth ddysgu’r wyddor Gymraeg gyda’ch plentyn. Gallwch ffurfio llythrennau, edrych ar yr anifeiliaid ac ymuno yng nghân yr wyddor!--Have ...
Hwyl gyda’ch plant wrth iddyn nhw ddysgu cyfri i ddeg gydag app Cyw. Darllenwch y cardiau fflach a chyffwrdd â’r sgrin i gyfri, gyrrwch y bws i greu’r...
Byti, the rugby ball, wants to be the most famous ball in the world... more famous than the bowling ball, the tennis ball and even the mighty football...
Sunny Air is a fast, simple weather app. It uses weather data courtesy of Yahoo! Developed as AIR application, Sunny Air is similar to the Java-based ...
A fast, minimal weather app. Data from Yahoo! Weather.Apologies to anyone having issues on 4.x devices. I'm a bit busy at the moment but when I ge...