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'Tis a season to be jolly! It's Christmas time! Santa Claus eats too much cookies, Rudolph forgets to floss, Snowman never brushes teeth! So many dent...
Listen with headphones for the best game effects. Help the little planes save the city from the angry enemy war planes. Use your special weapons to va...
Photo Note is a new way of taking notes on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch! It is lightweight and easy to use. Simply take a photo and comment it! P...
rubiTrack is the ideal iPhone and iPad App for all ambitious runners, cyclists, swimmers, triathletes and athletes in practically any sport. rubiTrack...
The SoGood is a place to discover and connect with the best local businesses based on trusted recommendations from your friends.HERE'S HOW IT WORKS1) ...
A majestic beach town where humans and unicorns live in peace together has transformed into a chaotic and dangerous place. The storm of the century cl...