
OEE Calculator

The OEE Calculator is an easy to use app to calculate the OEE of any machine in just three steps! It follows the definitions of the OEE Industry Stand...

OEE Calculator

Time : Preferably in minutes1 unit = Production in single cycle(theoretical cycle time). example 1: Production in single cycle = 10 MT Total Productio...


好软件就是我,我就是喵星人。 ω时而卖萌,时而无赖,时而大牌,时而滑稽 ω纪录你宝贝喵的每个精彩瞬间 ω和更多朋友交流养猫时的必备用品 猫咪的平均寿命为15~20岁,所以在养猫之前你要考虑清楚是否愿意细心照顾它一辈子。 养猫的基本必需品: # 便盆和猫砂 # 食盆和水碗 # 猫食:建议吃干粮为主,罐...