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听美剧,练听力,纠正发音 拥有了它你就拥有去纽约敲钟的机会 以下是作者的感慨: 某天清晨起来打开听力,突然发现大部分美剧都能听懂了,但是我知道做什么事情没什么能一蹴而就的, 在背后是每天抽点时间坚持不懈地重复听自己感兴趣的美剧,而听的过程中4级的单词会重复出现加固记忆。 以下是一位屌丝逆袭的感言: ...

Bus Time Dublin

When was the last time you got paid to take the bus, eh?Bus Time Dublin takes bus apps to a whole new level with new "Bus Miles" Rewards. Earn loyalty...

Bus Scout UK

Live departures, routes, journey times and journey planner - covers bus, train, underground, tram, and ferry.► Live or scheduled departures - you choo...