連結機械股份有限公司創立於1947年, 開創60餘年迄今已產製數千台油壓機,銷售遍及全球各地。我們所生產的每一台油壓機都是配合客戶的特殊需求,量身訂製(客製化)的產品。在連結,我們擁有非常堅強的高科技生產團隊。「創造品質、客戶第一」是我們每一位同仁努力的目標。 不斷的研發、創新以提昇企業的競爭力,徹...
連結機械股份有限公司創立於1947年, 開創60餘年迄今已產製數千台油壓機,銷售遍及全球各地。我們所生產的每一台油壓機都是配合客戶的特殊需求,量身訂製(客製化)的產品。在連結,我們擁有非常堅強的高科技生產團隊。「創造品質、客戶第一」是我們每一位同仁努力的目標。 不斷的研發、創新以提昇企業的競爭力,徹...
全立發從 1966 年在租借的廠房及3~5人創業情況,發展至今‧本著「技術領先,誠實經營」的理念做事;歷經多年的努力,靠經驗的累積及不斷開發新產品,從傳統式的手動機器到目前的為電腦機器,如今回顧過去與展望未來,內心只有心存感激;感謝全體同仁的努力,更感覺到社會不斷的指導與愛戴,使公司持續成長與茁壯。...
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Alltop for iPad creates an online magazine rack for you. Now you don't have to find, bookmark, and visit your favorite blogs and websites because we'v...
FIRSTLight is a point of care decision support tool designed to provide healthcare professionals with instant access to reliable and up-to-date UK spe...
Want to read articles, case studies and ideas about all things internal communication (IC) related? You’re in the right place. The All Things IC blog ...
FIRSTLight is a point of care decision support tool designed to provide healthcare professionals with instant access to reliable and up-to-date UK spe...
Plays, characters, and speeches from Shakespeare's works collected as they were in the First Folio, but made searchable and browsable on the iPhone an...
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