

据说每一个想把繁事化简的人都迫切需要这一款APP。千万级别用户的选择见证了她的简单实用,不花里胡哨、极度省电省流量。她静默工作,绝不会弹出骚扰消息,专为追求简单实用的你而设计。 1、备忘事件提醒:您的涂鸦作品会被当作提醒内容。 2、长时间使用手机提醒:温馨的跳出来提醒您休息眼睛和颈椎。 3、带雨伞提...

Toppy Plane

Toppy Plane is a Flappy Bird - style game that player tap tap and tap to control the plane to advoid obstruction things and collect stars. The more st...

Sub Run

Sub Run is here. Race through the depths of the ocean and explore the wonders of the sea. Sub run is an addictive, fun, free-to-play game developed by...