九把刀,真名柯景騰,臺灣著名作家、導演。流派為跨多種類別寫作(言情,恐怖,超能力等)。被譽為網絡文學經典制造機(眾多讀者冊封)。 九把刀寫作領域廣,武俠,言情,校園,驚悚,什么的作品都有。 其作品注重于人物的心理,即比起推動充滿波瀾的情節,它更注重刻畫活生生的有血有肉的人物角色。 九把刀至今作品共有...
九把刀,真名柯景騰,臺灣著名作家、導演。流派為跨多種類別寫作(言情,恐怖,超能力等)。被譽為網絡文學經典制造機(眾多讀者冊封)。 九把刀寫作領域廣,武俠,言情,校園,驚悚,什么的作品都有。 其作品注重于人物的心理,即比起推動充滿波瀾的情節,它更注重刻畫活生生的有血有肉的人物角色。 九把刀至今作品共有...
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'Launcher - MagicLockerTheme' is a MagicLocker Theme App. To run this theme app, you must install MagicLocker App first********* Author: h_zee...
Espier Notifications 7 is a flat style personalized status bar, notification page, and notification management plugin for Espier Launcher 7 (or Espier...
김치 레시피를 모은 어플입니다.사용법1.원하는 김치의 버튼을 누른다.2.레시피를 스크롤하면서 읽는다.3.여기서 기기의 이전/종료 버튼을 누르면 메인화면으로 돌아갑니다.4.메인화면에서 기기의 이전/종료 버튼을 누르면 종료할건지 물어보는데 를 누르면 종료합니다.*.레시피 ...
Espier Screen Locker 7 is a lock screen in Apple's flat style. By using Espier Screen Locker 7, you can set the simple passcode for your device, and e...
Espier Launcher is the best and the most popular home screen app for Android devices in Apple's classical style. It not only clones the Apple's classi...
DOT MEDICAL is a free application that provides for user a tunisian medical directory. This application presents a selective search and smart enough a...
最容易上癮的移動版1024的遊戲!近乎完美的1024遊戲為Android! 探索深層挑戰你的頭腦! 遊戲中的說明 - 滑動移動的瓦片,當兩個瓷磚具有相同編號的觸摸,它們合併成一個。 當創建一個1024瓦的玩家獲勝。 遊戲特色: +唯一的遊戲版本在谷歌播放幾乎所有的Android設備適用於從2.3.3...
A simple application to make purchases. It is optimized for shopping in hypermarkets account when the list is long, you have no time. Also in other st...