A Chinese Medicine lookup system, it can search medicine by different category. For example, if you are looking for some medicines related to “cough”,...
A Chinese Medicine lookup system, it can search medicine by different category. For example, if you are looking for some medicines related to “cough”,...
中药查询系统,能根据不同的选项查找药性。例如要查找咳嗽相关的药,选择"功能主治"然后在搜索栏打上"咳", 就会列出所有咳嗽相关的药。又例如要查找入心经的药就选择"归经"然后在搜索栏打上"心"字, 所有归心经的药就会列出。 此软件完全免费,没有广告。是作者平时空闲时间制作。如果对大家有用已经是最好的支...
中藥查詢系統,能根據不同的選項查找藥性。例如要查找咳嗽相關的藥,選擇"功能主治"然后在搜索欄打上"咳", 就會列出所有咳嗽相關的藥。又例如要查找入心經的藥就選擇"歸經"然后在搜索欄打上"心"字, 所有歸心經的藥就會列出。此軟件完全免費,沒有廣告。是作者平時空閑時間制作的,另外有一個收一塊錢加幣的收費...
中药查询系统,能根据不同的选项查找药性。例如要查找咳嗽相关的药,选择"功能主治"然后在搜索栏打上"咳", 就会列出所有咳嗽相关的药。又例如要查找入心经的药就选择"归经"然后在搜索栏打上"心"字, 所有归心经的药就会列出。 此软件完全免费,没有广告。是作者平时空闲时间制作的,另外有一个收一块钱加币的收...
為了推廣中醫藥及回饋社會大眾,忠春堂提供方便社會大眾查詢中藥方劑的軟體,並將軟體的廣告收益全數捐贈於慈善團體,冀望藉此能增進社會之福祉。 此軟體之內容參考自網路以及書籍,若您自身有任何病情的疑問,請儘速尋求專業中醫師的診治,切勿延誤自身的病情為上。 若您有任何中藥或醫理相關的疑問,歡迎您來電諮詢,忠...
Challenge your mind, fighting against the clock to get eliminate all cards from the table in this solitaire game. Select the cards until you get to ad...
Take care of the baby, Oh ... dear kids, like it Come play with.This time you come to play a small nurse, you want to be hard to take care of a few sm...
FlashCards for Kids is a simple, yet fun, e-learning application for anyone who wants to improve English, Spanish, and Italian vocabulary.Audio pronun...
Aim your arrow at the target by holding and releasing.Speed and accuracy are key to the perfect score.Destroy the target before the time runs out.免費玩T...
FlashCards for Kids is a simple, yet fun, e-learning application for anyone who wants to improve English, Spanish, and French vocabulary.Audio pronunc...