中華電信研究院 徵才

Now Faith

The views are of preacher only and are not intended to hurt any ones feelings, thoughts or emotions.Please let us know the content that is harmful and...


明姜清撰。 清,弋陽人,正德辛未進士,官至尚寶司少卿。 自靖難之後,建文一朝事跡大抵遺失。 是書於故案文集搜輯遺聞,編年紀載。 至於地道出亡等事,則未嘗載及。 紀錄頗見精核。 案《明史稿》例議、辨野史所載建文元年二月燕王來朝、行御道、登陛不拜、為御史曾鳳韶所劾,以為必無之事。 而是書載鳳韶劾燕王事,...

FRAS crew

If you love skateboarding and/or long boarding clothing, this is the app for you. We sell many different types of clothing and accessories. Come in an...