以生动简洁的叙述和形象逼真的插图将浩繁的史籍帮助大家全面了解民族的历史,增加知识含量、开阔视野,读史铭智,更好地把握今天,创造明天。 目录: 盘古开天地 尧舜让位 大禹治水 武王伐纣 齐桓公九合诸侯 卧薪尝胆的勾践 孔子周游列国 孟母三迁 商鞅变法 一代名医扁鹊 完璧归赵 毛遂自荐 荆轲刺秦王 秦始...
以生动简洁的叙述和形象逼真的插图将浩繁的史籍帮助大家全面了解民族的历史,增加知识含量、开阔视野,读史铭智,更好地把握今天,创造明天。 目录: 盘古开天地 尧舜让位 大禹治水 武王伐纣 齐桓公九合诸侯 卧薪尝胆的勾践 孔子周游列国 孟母三迁 商鞅变法 一代名医扁鹊 完璧归赵 毛遂自荐 荆轲刺秦王 秦始...
一個自由的,有效的,有趣的方式學習和拼寫建立幼兒,兒童和兒童到10歲各年齡段的英語詞彙。遊戲提高孩子的手眼協調,因為他們收集並跳轉到完成一個字的字母順序氣球。特點:- 美麗的彩色背景- 股權變更的背景- 有26個字母的水平- 收集硬幣,以增加分數- 字母時,播放聲音收集任何字母氣球。如何玩:- 選擇...
With its clear definitions and carefully chosen up-to-date vocabulary from all areas of life the Tagalog - English - Tagalog dictionary will meet your...
This is a color tapping app. The objective is to tap on the dropping color(s) that matches the color on rectangle box. One point is awarded for every ...
The objective is to fling a donut into a tea cup poll for packaging.You start with 10 donuts and your goal is to package atlease half of them to get m...
Share the love...through puzzles!! Email your personal pics made into a fun and challenging puzzle for friends and family or enjoy puzzle yourself and...
The app is about a butterfly flying over flowers. The idea is to place flowers in the path of the butterfly by tapping on the screen. A flower will st...
This application is designed to help kids learn alphabet and number order and recognition in a fun kid friendly way, by clicking and arranging ABCs an...
This is a mind/memory game that requires you to remember and repeat the path that was highlighted by clicking on the correct squares. There are four l...