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『瘦瘦』打造完美身材必备软件!1500万减肥用户的共同选择,量身定制的减肥方案已为近一半用户成功减肥,深受用户好评!瘦瘦荣获健康风向榜最受欢迎APP!全国减肥瘦身排名第一,并被评为2013年十大新锐软件!2013移动互联网最佳应用! 【怎样才能真的瘦下来?】 『瘦瘦』根据你的性别、身高、体重、年龄等...
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GO HARD.Use FestFriend to find your music, friends, and food at Hard Summer 2014. Don't leave for Whittier Narrows without your FestFriend!With th...
PaigeeWorld is a fast-growing social network for artists who want to share their portfolio of art, and new artists who want to learn how to draw. We...
ArtRescape Social Art PlatformExperience the Originals.A New Art Platform to Share your Experience of Art Pieces with Others.ArtRescape is a social ar...
WARNING: This app you are about to download is a MUST HAVE! "LineitApp is one of a kind" - androidplazza.com" LineitApp is an app like no other in ter...
On Voguedrobe, you can;- Share your daily looks,- Create your wardrobe, add you outfits and show them in categorized galleries,- Share pictures about ...
Wouldn’t it be nice to wake-up to a smiling you every day? The Smile Alarm Clock by Dove lets you do just that and a lot more.Start each day with a sm...
Internet has become one of the basic necessities these days for all humans as it helps one to communicate with the world as well as obtain information...