

世新大學為歷史悠久的高等學府,為讓行動裝置使用者更易親炙本校辦學風采、協助新生快速適應本校環境,以及讓教職員生能隨時隨地 取得校園相關資訊資源,進而開發世新大學校園行動APP並提供下述服務:--以下服務需登錄世新山洞客帳號才可使用--學期課表:提供同學及教師查看當學期課表 (課表下載後可離線查閱)出...

Phi Camera

Phi Camera is an iPhone camera application which helps you composebeautiful photos using the power of the Golden Ratio. The Phi Spiral and "Golden Gri...

Paris Cafes

No trip to Paris is complete without getting to know the city's fabled cafés. The cafés of Paris have long been an essential part of the city's intell...