

東海大學校地廣大、歷史悠久,亦為中部著名的景點之一。期望能透過本系統,除了讓學校師生及訪客更瞭解東海校園服務資訊,認識東海之美外,亦提供部份校務資訊系統的服務,讓校園資訊的傳遞與取得更貼近學校師生。本系統提供的服務有: ● 新聞中心:最新消息、公告、校園活動、演講及講座、徵才與就業、社團活動等資訊。...


Twizoo finds London’s best restaurants and bars… by cooking down what people are saying on Twitter! We’ve listened to millions of Tweets in real-time ...

Vampire Hunter

Tom recalls back that he was bitten by unknown object when is 26 years old while he was traveled in Europe alone. While he walked that he read that he...