

看着鱼一点一点长大是所有爱鱼人的爱好。现在这款游戏就可以满足你的需求!从小喂食饲料和培育自己的可爱的鱼! 通过玩这个游戏,你会发现自己无可救药地沉迷于可爱的鱼类,装饰你水族箱,异国情调的热带植物,还可以邀请其他人喂养和照顾。 简单很容易上手的游戏,但是养好一条鱼是不容易的哦,多关心,小心鱼不要死掉哦...

Weather Book

Know your weather in no time with “Weather Book”. It is an application that displays a detailed weather report with temperature, humidity and other de...

Weather Share

Do you want to know the weather in a particular location and you don't trust the weather institutions? See what people say now about the weather.The W...