

Cannon is a 2D trajectory simulation/game. The basic objective is to adjust your angle and power in order to hit a target.Version 2 recreates Cannon f...

twTV Lite

*notice* Please be informed this program shows videos from youtube if it could be watched.All videos are hosted and indexed by youtube. This applicati...

iReading HD – Peter Pan

更多、更全、更精美的图书,请在App Store直接搜索:宝贝爱看书 -------------------------------------- Brand-new Reading Experience ! Illustrated audio books for kids ! ----------...

導航PAPAGO Taiwan HD

** 請注意! 衛星導航功能僅支援 "Wi-Fi+3G版" ** ** 請注意! 開啟背景導航功能,將在背景運作,會持續消耗電力 !** PAPAGO!新一代引擎將行車中最重要的路口左右轉和各路段最高限速等資訊整合到地圖內,並結合國道和快速道路攝影機的即時資訊,為您規劃一條最安全和最舒適的路徑。另外...