Симулятор Компьютерщика

Симулятор Компьютерщика

Эта игра продолжает лучшие традиции всех игр похожего жанра, добавляя массу новых возможностей.Вы должны не только поддерживать жизнь своего альтер-эг...

Simple Eats

The Simple Eats app is a place where you can access a selection of healthy restaurants (which are currently limited to NYC) right in the palm of your ...

Santa Escape 3D

Santa came to you, but this time he would like to invite you to adventure. Go on an adventure with Santa wading wilderness and reach as many gems scat...


A game of skill and strategy.Earn a higher score than your opponents trying to predict their next moves.Take advantage of special cells to win the gam...