Tamil Static Keypad IME|工具線上App不用買


【免費工具App】Tamil Static Keypad IME-APP點子

"தமிழ் வாழ்க"

Using this Tamil static keypad, you can write in both Tamil (தமிழ்) and English with intelligent and accurate dictionary predictions on both Android phones and tablets. Numbers, symbols, smileys, attractive extras are also supported.

This is a static keypad for those who prefer a static keypad with some additional innovations to ease your writing. The keyboard layout is largely of Inscript. Along with tamil99 keyboard layout.

This keypad is an IME (Input Method Editor) and hence you will be able to write in all parts of the phone, WhatsApp, Facebook, Address Book etc. The installation is a little different, follow instructions.

【免費工具App】Tamil Static Keypad IME-APP點子

After Installation on phone/tablet.

Step 1: Settings -> Language & Input -> Choose Tamil Static Keypad IME(Check ON)

Step 2: Settings -> Language & Input -> Default -> Select Tamil Static Keypad IME.


New words can be added to Dictionary, removed from Dictionary.

【免費工具App】Tamil Static Keypad IME-APP點子

Common messages supported in templates.

Custom Signature supported.

Key press sound & Vibration supported and optional.


【免費工具App】Tamil Static Keypad IME-APP點子

Fonts with good rendering should be present on your phone or will show boxes or wrong rendering.

This Tamil static keyboard is from Luna Ergonomics, the makers of Panini Keypad, the dynamic keypad, download link here. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paninikeypad.tamil

Half characters:

You can study how all (consonant conjuncts) are written from this link.


Some examples are provided below.

【免費工具App】Tamil Static Keypad IME-APP點子

பக்ஷி = ப+க+ ்+ஷ+ி

படகு = ப+ட+க+ு

சென்று = ச+ெ+ன+ ்+ற+ு

ஸ்ரீலங்கா = ஸ+ ்+ர+ீ+ல+ங+ ்+க+ா

【免費工具App】Tamil Static Keypad IME-APP點子

திரிசூலம் = த+ி+ர+ி+ச+ூ+ல+ம+்

விஷ்ணு = வ+ி+ஷ+ ்+ண+ு

திருக்குறள் = த+ி+ர+ு+க+ ்+க+ு+ற+ள+்

திருவள்ளுவர் = த+ி+ர+ு+வ+ள+ ்+ள+ு+வ+ர+்

puLLi (புள்ளி) is a character (always appear in Red colour) used in between consonants to form conjunct characters in Tamil language.

All uyirmei & Grantha characters are supported in this static keypad (தமிழ் விசைப்பலகை).

【免費工具App】Tamil Static Keypad IME-APP點子

Follow these examples, after some time you will used to Tamil static keyboard IME for Tamil typing.

Experience this new innovative Tamil keyboard IME.

Privacy concerns: This static keyboard does not try to read your data or connect to a server for prediction. Your data stays on your phone and the application does not connect anywhere, you can use it offline also.

【免費工具App】Tamil Static Keypad IME-APP點子

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Tamil Static Keypad IME APP LOGO

Tamil Static Keypad IME LOGO-APP點子

Tamil Static Keypad IME APP QRCode

Tamil Static Keypad IME QRCode-APP點子
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