Based upon Bram Stoker's short stories, Dracula's Guest follows the story of two young lovers, Bram and Elizabeth, who are forced by her father, the A...
Dragon Counts to TenA Story for Beginning Readers Dragon is busy counting. Mom is cleaning house. She sends Dragon outside to count. Preschoolers will...
Dragon Hunter is developed by China International Publishing Group, Central Academy of Fine Art and Lian Yang. Have you ever dreamt about having a mag...
From the creator of Jane And The Dragon comes a heart warming picture book that deals with the difficult issue of violence, for how do children develo...
The Kingdom is in danger! A dangerous dragon has appeared in the outskirts and is scaringthe country people.Only the knights of the court can defeat h...
Once upon a time, far, far, away; there lived Jimmy, a three-headed, fierce-looking dragon. Jimmy had a serious problem; he had the hiccups… Discover ...