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Texas Holdem Poker - Basic SrategyIf you're the kind Of person who wants to improve your Texas Hold'em Poker game by knowing the pre flop odds and eventually win more money, these app will fullfil your goals.As you probably know, most people at the Texas Hold'em table play their pre-flop hands by intuition, ignoring statistics. In the long-run that’s a big and costly mistake, as many average to bad hands can be easily mistaken for quality hands.For example, say you’re dealt an ACE and an EIGHT - off suit.Because of the Ace, the hand looks good, right? Right! It LOOKS good, but statistically, if your opponent is holding even a suited 2-4, he has better chances to win! (at a full table)Many odds calculators are out there, but most of them just throw percentages at you and do not improve YOUR OWN game. Therefore, they are practically useless.Sitting at the Poker table and running all the complicated odds calculations for each pre-flop hand is too hard and basically impractical.To help with that, the respected players and authors David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth came up with the "Hand Groups" technique, which simply assigns each hand with pre-flop values, according to their statistical chance of winning (hands in group 1 have the highest value, check out the table in screenshots). Remembering the ranks can improve your game dramatically, and make you money. It will allow you to know when it’s time to add money to the pot or when it’s time to get out quickly, and save money. Remember – your performance depends on avoiding bad situation as much as it depends on recognizing opportunities and taking advantage of them. To help you remembering the hands’ values, we came up with the Preflop Odds Memory Trainer. This effective tool will help you accomplish the task easily and quickly. When you later get to the table, evaluating hands will be trivial and will allow you to take advantage of this great technique, be successful and have more fun!

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