The BP energy charting tool allows users to graph the data contained in this year’s Statistical Review of World Energy.Features include:· Energy data ...
The Retalix Mobile Shopper solution is a user friendly application which provides shoppers with a compelling and engaging mobile shopping experience, ...
Power Mobile brings the power of mobile order management conveniently and vibrantly into the hands of distributors and their customers. Distributors a...
RETC is the premier tunneling event for 2015. Every two years tunnelers from around the world gather to discuss and share the latest trends and challe...
Rete - Reggio Emilia Terza Età, è lieta di presentarvi la sua nuova applicazione per smartphone e tablet. Entra nella ricchissima App e scopri tutti i...
L'Associazione ha per scopo: - Promuovere l'aggregazione in una Rete Civica, fisica e virtuale, di tutti i cittadini e, pur mantenendo ciascuno la pro...