The most highly rated & advanced TripIt companion app. Now you can take your TripIt plans with you on your phone when you travel!
My Trips connects with the premier travel organization website to synchronize your travel plans and allows you to take it with you on your travels. After you have synchronized My Trips works offline so you don't need a Wi-Fi or mobile internet connection to view your travel plans (handy when you are 30,000 feet up!).
My Trips shows you a list of your upcoming trips, flight, lodging, car rental and other travel plan information. Additionally My Trips will give you detailed flight information such as departure and arrival dates, times and locations, confirmation numbers, airline information, passenger information & much more.
My trips includes a Live Tile showing you your next flight details when you pin My Trips to the start screen! Pin individual Trips to the start screen for quick access.
You can share plans to let your friends know what flight you leave or arrive on and where you are going, right from within the flight details screen!
Got a TripIt Pro account? My Trips will also give you real time flight status, gate, baggage claim and frequent flyer miles program information.
Don't have a account? No problem! It's free and you can sign up as part of signing into My Trips.
Featured: - "TripIt replacement app My Trips lands on Windows Phone 8" - "Lifehacker Pack for Windows Phone 7: Our List of the Best WP7 Apps"
Gizmodo - "The Windows Phone 7 Apps Everyone Should Have"
v 5.4 New design
v 5.2.? Minor bug fixes
v 5.2 Advanced sharing features
v 5.3 Windows 8.1 bug fixes
v 5.1 Wide tile, calendar export, bug fixes
v 5.0 Updates for Windows Phone 8
Fully updated design. Full support for resuming the app where you left it last.
Fixes for unknown timezones.
Fix for periodic crash
熱門國家 | 系統支援 | 版本 | 費用 | APP評分 | 上架日期 | 更新日期 |
台灣 Taiwan | Windows Windows 市集 | App下載 | NT$60.00 | 2010-12-09 | 2014-10-04 |