Roulette is a very popular and enjoyable game, however it is also extremely difficult to beat. If you are a frequent punter, relying on luck is not go...
Numbers & Dices are able to generate random number and dice values from the given range.1. Random integer number generate with various setting possibi...
File Peon has one goal, and one goal only: to be a no frills, barebone file manager.A lot of the file manager apps are great, but they are hefty. Do w...
Set alarms to repeat by powerful date rules, which no other apps could do the same.This app is exactly the same as Power Alarm Clock. NO AD, NO IN APP...
ikir; Allah’ı anmak üzere söylenilmesi ve yapılması tavsiye edilen, sözlü ve ameli eylemleri kapsayan davranışların tümü diye tanımlanmaktadır. Zikir,...