With Instan you can report events that happens around you, expose some criminal or unlawful events and check around what other users post worldwide or...
Facing problems with your laptop, phone, or tablet? Search for solutions in this community based Q&A; app!In this instantly growing community, tech en...
Finding the perfect events in your city. With Saven for Mobile, you can:- Discover popular events around you- Find free class to join.- Register for a...
Have a secret to say but don't know whom to tell? A peace message to broadcast to stranger whom might be waiting for a light from the tunnel?Use Insta...
Express your feeling and make new friends! Use Let's share to send your message across to a random number of users and wait a reply.Or wait a message ...
What is savvyjuice.com? No it's not a fancy juice or health drink; actually it is the future in self-marketing, advertising, promotion and being in co...