Cigano is a personal database application. With Cigano you can create your own custom databases to store contacts, project information, client informa...
Search for thousands of certified seafarers from Indonesia. This data is provided by Balai Kesehatan Kerja Pelayaran (BKKP), Direktorat Jenderal Perhu...
Manage your staff details and attendance for each n every day. Generate the report for date wise or specific staff wise. You can export your data in x...
The AMG Attendance System mobile application is a component of AMG Attendance Management System online solution. The application allows employees to p...
Home based facial services that deliver quality care to all clients. Focusing mainly on extractions facial to remove deeply embedded comedones using q...
Use Attendance Counter to quickly and silently take attendance at any large meeting. A tap of the large green button will add to the running total - a...