Hemodialysis Management System 2.0 (HMS 2.0) is a system that our company creates and Application Development in the medical system, the HMS program t...
The GRACE 2.0 ACS Risk Calculator provides the percentage probability of death or death/MI at time-points up to 3 years following admission with an ac...
Clinical Advisor is the first app created specifically for nurse practitioners and physician assistants, from the publishers of the number one print j...
Utilizando o Aga Emergência você colabora com outras pessoas que estão em busca de atendimento nos centros de urgência e emergência de sua cidade.- Lo...
GiveBlood is the Canadian Blood Services mobile app for Canadians looking to save lives. Quickly and easily find a clinic and book an appointment. Not...
Medicopedia es el Diccionario Médico Online en español de PortalesMedicos.comCon una larga trayectoria en la web, Medicopedia es el mayor diccionario ...