√ opi puhumaan Italiaa täydellisellä alkuperäisellä korostuksella, nopeasti!√ äänitä ääntäsi ja kuulet oman nopean kehittymisesi päivä päivältä.√ napa...
Here is just a sample of the feedback we’ve received so far for our tale: ‘It's so intuitive in its design that children can even enjoy it on their o...
This app is a great educational software that helps you understand and pronounce Italian words in the shortest possible time. Excellent app for all wh...
It is FREEItalian vocabulary handbook! - contains full 42 lessons that provide you with a basic vocabulary of the Italian language.The 42 lessons help...
A fun way to practice, increase and improve your Italian vocabulary.Definitions in English of Italian words are given, and the equivalent Italian word...
Italian 4 Beginners is a tool for beginning learners of the Italian language. The Wordz Lianxi practice system provides a mechanism for reviewing, lea...