This is the free version of the BPM Tool.A simple, easy to read, bpm tool for keeping you on beat. Quickly determine the bpm of any song by tapping th...
Are you looking for the most popular and the latest apps that hit the market from Google’s Android? “Lisisoft Android Apps” is the resource to check, ...
Die App Spielplan WM 2014 listet die Spiele der Weltmeisterschaft aufgeteilt in Gruppen- und Finalrunde auf. Es werden die Zeiten der Spiele in MESZ a...
Safejumper for Android is a lightweight OpenVPN client hand-crafted with love by the team. It allows customers of online security se...
A calculadora de Empuxo do Concreto SH ajuda a calcular os dados da velocidade de concretagem x empuxo máximo na fôrma por m2 x temperatura do concret...