Square Words
Have ordinary word games lost their appeal? Are you looking for something more challenging, something more brain-boggling, something - dare I say it -...
Have ordinary word games lost their appeal? Are you looking for something more challenging, something more brain-boggling, something - dare I say it -...
Kelime anahtarı oyununda amaç içinde 3 harfli anahtarın geçtiği 8 harfli kelimeyi bulmak.Verilen harflerle en az 3 en çok 8 harfli kelimeler üretebili...
Kelimelik ve benzeri kelime oyunlarının harfler verilerek kelime üreten uygulama. TDK'nın güncel kelime haznesinden verdiğiniz harflere göre üreti...
**The game can only be used in single player against the computer mode now, there is no more internet permission**Compete with your friends in real ti...
This application contains over 100 charades in 5 groups (movie, tv, sport, book and person).Main functions of this application are:- random charades,-...
A rather easy word game to play. 'WordScrab' preselects six words for you to guess each time around. They are hidden of course, but scrambled ...
We'll show you one pictures, Can you guess what the word is? It's a really simple and fun to play game. If you like word games, you will love ...
Are you keen on football, interested in History, or you are real fan of Hollywood cinematography?This game gives you the chance to check how strong is...
A simple flashcard word game with 100 popular nouns in English and Spanish. The idea of this application was inspired by APIE, Austin Partners in Educ...
Tebak Gambar by Izandi v.2.5Saat ini ada 93 pertanyaan dengan tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda dan akan diupdate secara berkala. Permainan tebak gambar ...