
Hunter Monster

今日$1.99->$0.99 日本TOP3的RPG限时优惠,随时调回原价1.99美金,抓紧哦! 这是史上最难的游戏 你要去寻找传说中的巴哈姆特 游戏里没有任何收费内容 想要战胜体型巨大的古龙只能依靠自己 从怪物身上获取的素材能制作出1000多种武器和防具 但你面对的怪物实在太强大 你将一次又一次的陷...

Dragons Hunter HD

TOP PAID 3 IN JAPAN LIMIT FREE ONE WEEK $0.99->FREE! Q: What kind of game is it? A: In general, the theme is something like to fight against with big ...

Dragons Hunter

TOP PAID 3 IN JAPAN LIMIT FREE ONE WEEK $0.99->FREE! Q: What kind of game is it? A: In general, the theme is something like to fight against with big ...